On January 8, 2015 I had the opportunity to watch Matt Cutts give his speech “Lessons learned from the early days of Google”. This was given at UNC at the Nelson Mandela Auditorium in Chapel Hill, NC. Matt, Google’s head of web spam, joined Google as a
Read more →November 18, 2104 Google announced that they have introduced mobile friendly labels in to mobile search. This means that people browsing the web on a mobile device will see a little “mobile friendly” notice beside them. This is what it looks like on my Andoid phone: As
Read more →Jon Wiley, principal designer of Google search did an AMA on reddit yesterday. This means people asked him questions and he answered them. Many of the questions were based around UX (user experience) although there were some tips as to what is coming in the future of
Read more →The last couple days I have been glancing over Google’s latest quality rating guidelines. These quality guidelines are given to normal people (not SEOs) to review certain websites. What is the Google Quality Rating Guide? The rating guide is used quality reviewers. When a quality reviewer reviews
Read more →As of June 3, 2014, Google announced that if you have a Google Plus Page which is NOT a Google+ Local Page, the page can now be connected to Google Maps. Google Plus Local Pages Changes: Just what we needed, yet another huge change to Google Plus
Read more →There are millions of small businesses in the United States. Do they need social media? Here are a few fun facts: Social can definitely help SEO and is required in highly competitive niches, but otherwise, ranking in search has little or nothing to do with your social
Read more →Google+ is a powerful social media network. There aren’t nearly as many people on Google+ as there are on Facebook but there are active users, many of whom love animated images called GIF images. Google+ has a neat feature which allows animated GIF images to play right
Read more →Update: As of late 2016 Google has separated Google+ from Google My Business, formerly known as Google+ Local. I am asked at least once a week how to get 2 Google+ pages merged. Typically one is a Google+ Local Page and the other is a Google+ Business
Read more →What are Google +Post Ads? A Google +Post Ad is an interactive advertisement on the Google Display Network. The ad itself is your Google+ content which is promoted as an ad. Ads on the Display Network do not show up on the Search Network. In case you’re
Read more →This page is in place to list the current community guidelines for Google+ Communities moderated by Telapost. (These are basic common sense policies which are good Netiquette in general.) No Link Dropping: Do not enter the community for the purpose of dropping links back to your site.
Read more →March 31, 2014 Google+ released a new metric on personal profiles and pages. It is a number they call “content views”. They also removed the “plus count” feature from pages. What was the plus count feature? There used to be a box displaying a plus count. This
Read more →Today Google+ Profiles and Pages received a neat little update called “content views”. As I’ve mentioned many times, using Google+ as a business is critical. The ways this will affect pages remains yet to be seen, but this is just another piece of the puzzle. If you
Read more →What are Google+ Hangouts On Air? Google+ Hangouts On Air, also sometimes referred to as an HOA, is a live streaming video broadcast in HD. HOAs may be started at any time or scheduled in advance. When HOAs are broadcast, they can easily be viewed on Google+,
Read more →Before I talk about Google+ Direct Connect, I’d like to briefly go over why I think that Google+ Direct Connect will play a role in the future of Google search, especially for local businesses. When a Google Plus Local Page has gone through the claim & verification
Read more →What is Caturday on Google+? Cats have infiltrated much of the Internet. They started on websites, blogs, and forums and then worked their way into the social networks and are very active on Google+ or Google Plus. They started gaining traction as shared images in 2005-2006. Then
Read more →Do you or a loved one suffer from 0% engagement? This is pretty common on Google+. Below I’ll cover both personal profiles and business pages. Let’s start with the personal profiles: Possible reasons for low engagement: A lot of people get on Google+ and discover many of
Read more →Update 2/19/2014: The SBL has moved here: www.telapost.com/google-plus-suggested-business-list/ On Google+ there is something called a Suggested User List. Facebook is good for communicating with people you already know, Google+ is great for communicating with people you don’t know yet that share the same interests as you (Google+
Read more →NORAD has partnered with Microsoft this year to offer the “official Santa Tracker”. The Google Santa Tracker features cool games and nifty features that help you get into the Christmas spirit. You can visit the site here: http://www.google.com/santatracker/ But wait, there’s more! Be sure to visit this
Read more →After posting a few AutoAwesome Action images on Google+, a common question was: How can I make an autoawesome action image? First of all, you need a camera (or a cell phone w/ camera) that is capable of taking a burst of images. Next, you’ll need to
Read more →After posting a few AutoAwesome Snow images on Google+, a common question was “How can I make an autoawesome snow image?” Fortunately, the answer is simple! AutoAwesome Snow is a new feature released 12/5/2013 and it is very easy to use. If your phone uses the Auto
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