Google Plus News on Flipboard

Google Plus News on Flipboard

If you have been following us online, you are likely well aware now that one of the niches we concentrate on is Google Plus. A page describing our Google Plus services is available here: Google Plus Marketing. Flipboard gives us a neat little Chrome extension. Since we’re

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Social Media News on Flipboard

Social Media News on Flipboard

Recently we discussed using Flipboard for Business. Well, we use it ourselves to curate social media news in our Flipboard magazine. Content curation is a funny thing, and helps businesses in mysterious ways. We hope to demystify these for you on this blog shortly. Until then, check

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Google Plus Communities We Manage

Google Plus Communities We Manage

We manage several communities on Google Plus. If you do not know what a Google Plus Community is, please read What is a Google Plus Community? We have over 100 communities. Below is a partial list that users of our website might find beneficial to them. If

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What is a Google Plus Community?

What is a Google Plus Community?

If you are new to Google Plus or just starting to learn the platform, you might be wondering what Google+ Communities are. What is a Google Plus Community? A Google Plus community is a place where plussers (Google Plus users) can go to discuss a specific topic.

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Pinterest 101: Verify your blog or Website

Pinterest 101: Verify your blog or Website

When you first configure your company (or blog’s) Pinterest page, there is an option to verify your website. Why verify your website? If you ask me, every business should claim their presence on Pinterest and get their site verified. Pinterest is rapidly evolving and is absolutely a

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How do posts go Viral on Google+?

How do posts go Viral on Google+?

Google+ is a powerful social media network. There aren’t nearly as many people on Google+ as there are on Facebook but there are active users, many of whom love animated images called GIF images. Google+ has a neat feature which allows animated GIF images to play right

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Google+ Pages get “Content Views”

Google+ Pages get "Content Views"

Today Google+ Profiles and Pages received a neat little update called “content views”. As I’ve mentioned many times, using Google+ as a business is critical. The ways this will affect pages remains yet to be seen, but this is just another piece of the puzzle. If you

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What are Google+ Hangouts On Air?

What are Google+ Hangouts On Air?

What are Google+ Hangouts On Air? Google+ Hangouts On Air, also sometimes referred to as an HOA, is a live streaming video broadcast in HD. HOAs may be started at any time or scheduled in advance. When HOAs are broadcast, they can easily be viewed on Google+,

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What is Google+ Direct Connect?

What is Google+ Direct Connect?

Before I talk about Google+ Direct Connect, I’d like to briefly go over why I think that Google+ Direct Connect will play a role in the future of Google search, especially for local businesses. When a Google Plus Local Page has gone through the claim & verification

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