The Million Dollar Advocates Forum is a website with members who are personal injury lawyers and trial attorneys who have won million dollar or multi-million dollar verdicts. I have several clients who are members of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, and I end up on the site
Read more →I have been seeing more and more websites showing up in Google search results recently with HTTPS prefix. This would normally be a good thing, however, in many cases the website itself hasn’t been migrated to HTTPS! Many business owners and other website owners are shocked to
Read more →I was adding a website to Alltop for someone the other day and the aggregation service would not accept the feed. The feed was submitted years ago and working just fine up until a recent HTTPS migration. The feed was being generated by a theme which I
Read more →This article will explain how to properly install a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate and convert your WordPress website to HTTPS using SiteGround’s cheap and reliable web hosting. Let’s Encrypt is a new way to get SSL onto your server. It is free, does not require a dedicated
Read more →If you have been struggling with .htaccess files trying to get an HTTPS domain redirected to an HTTP domain you are likely encountering at least one of several different errors: The HTTPS to HTTP redirect is not working Security error on the HTTPS site ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED in Google
Read more →People have redirected HTTP websites for decades. When one domain is properly redirected using a 301 redirect from a source domain to a destination domain, the links pass through, passing along their SEO value. In Google Search Console, these links even appear as an “intermediate link”. Here
Read more →Today I am going through a corporate website in the United Kingdom which was having trouble ranking high for certain key phrases and also experiencing a loss of traffic after they migrated their site from HTTP to HTTPS. One of the first things I do when working
Read more →I have been doing a lot of HTTPS migrations this year and clients have been asking me some common questions which include: Should I expect a loss in traffic? Will I get more traffic? Will my rankings change? What will happen in Google Analytics? There are a
Read more →August 6, 2014 Google announced that security and Internet safety is a top priority for Google, including the websites that people access from Google. High quality, unique content and natural links / SEO remains the most important factors in SEO, however, HTTPS is now a factor for
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