On November 14, 2015 Snapchat featured a story that may possibly be the saddest and most moving the social media platform has seen since its existence. Titled “Pray for Paris”, the story proceeded to show videos and still shots of the ongoing effects of the tragedy that occurred just a day before on Friday the 13th when several terrorists attacks hit the city.

With chaos in the streets, fleeing locals and visitors and pure panic that filled its every inch, the day was nothing short of horrific. A large number of people were killed during the attacks and for that, even more are mourning their loss and the awful affects that this event has caused.

Despite this tragedy, however, Paris, along with cities spread across the globe have come together in unity and hope, which was evident throughout the Snapchat story this last Saturday. The opening video was set in Berlin where it showed hundreds of flowers that had been set out honoring the lives lost and the lives effected by Friday’s events along with a geofilter that showed a statement that has taken over the media these past days, “Pray For Paris”.

The story then continued to feature several cities that were showing their support by either lighting candles, waving the French flag and large crowds coming together to send prayers. Some of these cities included Tullouse, New York, London and of course Paris.

Although what happened this past weekend was tragic, terrifying and shocking, being able to witness so many countries, cities and communities joining together in unity to recognize and stand by Paris was truly moving. Though the attacks on Paris may be over for now, the grave effects will continue for not just weeks or days, but years and centuries ahead as each one leaves its marks on families, friends and history.

The story allowed everyone a quick glimpse into what should and is being done across the globe, and that is to Pray for Paris.

The following pictures are screenshots of the story…

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