On November 7, 2015 Snapchat featured a story that followed the annual BlizzCon that took place within the Anaheim Convention Center, one of the largest of its kind put on throughout the nation.

Titled “BlizzCon 2015”, the Snapchat story began with an opening statement, “Come to BlizzCon, where gamers battle, new features are revealed, and cosplay comes alive”, which was accompanied by a geofilter stating the location of the convention along with recognizable gaming weapons. Unlike the typical Snapchat weekend story, this one had far less other geofilters featured, which in turn allowed for all of the captures to have their own unique statements formed by attendees.

From grandparents and older adults to young professionals and little teeny boppers, the 2015 BllizzCon proved to be a heaven for any and all gamers out there with plenty of opportunities to join in on all of the fun that went on. Throughout the story, Snapchatters were able to witness a multitude of attendees dressed to the nines in some of their own creations of characters that no doubt took several months to complete. One of the favorites of the weekend was indeed Kerrigan from the ever-popular Starcraft gaming series, which is pictured below. Other shots that were captured at the convention included enthusiastic gamers getting the chance to check out and try new games, strangers complimenting each other on their choice of outfit and accessories along with cheering on the many contestants of “best costume”.

For all those who were either fans from the beginning of Blizzard’s game since 1991 or newcomers to the gaming world, it is safe to say that BlizzCon 2015 was yet another success in all aspects of the event. Though the convention may be over, this coming year will undoubtedly see new arrivals of more impressive games, dedicated gamers and the anticipated await of BlizzCon 2016.

The following pictures are screenshots of the Snapchat story…

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