Mobile friendly is the new trending term for having a website that works on all devices. The best, recommended, and most common type of a mobile friendly site is a responsive website. Responsive sites fluidly adjust themselves depending on the size of the screen which they are
Read more →November 18, 2104 Google announced that they have introduced mobile friendly labels in to mobile search. This means that people browsing the web on a mobile device will see a little “mobile friendly” notice beside them. This is what it looks like on my Andoid phone: As
Read more →In today’s world of “right now” and, wouldn’t it be nice to nice to have an A la carte option? Sure, but, I like to think of websites like vehicles, such as a racecar. There is quite a huge difference between the body person and the driver.
Read more →Today we bought purchased BackupBuddy for WordPress developers. BB is currently the best tool for backing up both the site & WordPress Database. WordPress sites crash just like computers do. They can get hacked, or a server can crash, etc. We have seen it happen. Even a
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