I was playing in Instagram the other day and I noticed that I could add a business location to some photos and not others.
This used to be much easier before Instagram switched from Foursquare’s database to Facebook’s places database.
When an Instagram user uploads a photo they can tag the place where they took the image. Sounds simple enough, right? Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. If you want your business to be able to be geotagged I would recommend that you get your place correctly configured at Facebook and cross your fingers.
Finding photos tagged at your location
When users tag a photo at your location you do not get notified. They could be posting a pic of a delicious cheeseburger or a thumbs down selfie.
Now if you’re an active IG business, they may tag you with @business name but otherwise you will not know about it unless you dig. I predict this may change soon: Is Instagram Local coming soon?
Below is an example of how a business could find photos tagged at their location. This is a pic I took at a feed store I drove by the other day. As you can see I tagged the location “Pittsboro Feed”. This is a feed store in the country that also sells chicks.
This particular business is active on Instagram under the name @PittsboroFeed.
Since they are active on Instagram, people tag pictures AT their location and ALSO tag them.
While at this location, I tapped on to the location and was able to bring up images other users had geotagged:
I showed the business the images and they had never seen them before!
Engaging with Instagram users who have uploaded images at your location
If you can see the images, the user has a public profile. If your business is active on social media, you could like or comment on the images. You could also share the images to your stream as well.If you need assistance with a social media strategy or learning the ropes of various social platforms please feel free to reach out to me.
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