In every industry there is a company that has salespeople and attends industry events.

These are the types of people who will knowingly damage your practice’s Internet presence just to make a buck for themselves.

It isn’t just orthodontists; it’s attorneys, veterinarians, sign companies, real estate agents, you name it.

What’s wrong with duplicate content?

If you have the same content as everyone else, your website will not and can not perform well. That would be like using the exact same set of braces on all of your patients – it will work well for zero of them.640px-braces_cement_placement

I could write a book on the topic, and in fact I have at least 600 articles on this site, mostly pertaining to content quality, but in a nutshell, the content on your site must be unique.

Do I have duplicate content?

Grab a sentence off of one of your pages, one that sounds generic, and Google it in quotes. For example, I recently discovered 2,580 websites with the exact same text on them. Just google this (including the quotes): “Invisalign uses a series of invisible, removable, and comfortable aligners that no one can tell you’re wearing.” or click here to see the 2,580 results.

No Orthodontist wants to learn exactly how Google works; that is my job. But with this little tidbit of info you now know that if your content looks like that, you are missing out on lots of new patients.

Want your content woes fixed?

If you are a reputable orthodontist who would like to rank better in search and help people’s teeth or perform more cosmetic dentistry feel free to visit my page dedicated to orthodontist SEO & content or contact me today.

Image credit Aine from Madison, WI, USA – Brackets, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link


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