twitterMay 19, 2015 Google and Twitter announced that Tweets will begin displaying in Google search on mobile devices.


Within hours of the announcement I started getting the question.. “Len, why aren’t my tweets displaying in Google Mobile Search?”

So, I had to check it out.

I tested some various search terms. Here’s what I learned:

  • Sometimes Google searches result with tweets displayed; other searches do not display tweets.
  • Sometimes, search terms do bring up tweets do not consistently up any tweets.
  • Sometimes, the tweets showed up in various parts of the page.
  • Sometimes Google search reads “popular on Twitter” even if the tweets aren’t popular.
  • On search terms that display tweets, some Twitter user’s tweets are left out.

Final thoughts:

If you are wondering why your tweets aren’t displaying in Google search, you’re not the only one. Maybe someone with a lot of time on their hands will dive deeper in to this.

I love the idea of real time results, but will the unpredictability of this new feature lead to a frustrating user experience?

Expect to see this on desktop search in a few weeks and tweets displaying for trending topics.

Maybe the integration will be a good thing.


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