Did you know that your Google Plus page can leave reviews? Of course, you can leave reviews under your own account (aka personal profile), but if you have a business page or a brand page, you can leave reviews with it, too.

What kind of business can review another business?

Any business or brand page can leave a review. If you have had a great business to business experience, why not leave a review? The functionality is there for you to use.

Here at Telapost I’ll occasionally leave a review for a restaurant that we recently had a lunch meeting at, or maybe a business local to me that we have purchased something from for business. Staples, Lowe’s, Office Max, the local coffee shops, restaurants, etc. are all businesses that my business has done business in or with. I usually have my HDR camera with me as well, so that I can take a sweet picture of their biz to include with my review.

Restaurant owners purchase groceries locally or even from local farms. They also use plenty of businesses for services such as appliance repair, heating and air conditioning, sign companies, window installers, banks, club stores, plumbers, and more. They could review these businesses. People read reviews all of the time. If I go to read the reviews for a local air conditioning repair company and I notice that “Monuts Donuts” has used them, I am going to remember that. And, if I’ve never had Monuts Donuts, I am definitely going to drop by the next time I am in their area, just because I got a kick out of reading their review.

The more popular the place is that you are reviewing, the more people who will see your review.

Don’t advertise!

Don’t go pushing yourself on other business’s pages; it is not a billboard for you to advertise on. If you are a real estate agent, don’t stuff your review with things like “I sell tons of homes all over Durham, NC and came here for a donut”. Make it about the business. All good Internet presences revolve around natural activity, so don’t over think it, just leave your review. Doing this is going to gain you a little exposure and you will be doing something 99.9% of business owners do not do with their businesses. In fact, I have yet to ever see a business leaving a review.

SEO Value:

You get a little tiny drop of SEO value from this. When you eave a review you can an extra link back to your Google Plus page. It doesn’t happen overnight but plus pages have static URLs and do gain some power over time.

How to leave a review:

Just go to your Google Plus Local Page, make sure you are acting as the page, then go visit the page you wish to review, click “write a review”, and start reviewing!

Need more Google+ or other social media strategies?

This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you need a social strategy for your business check out our social media strategy page.

Review examples:

See our Google Plus reviews that we have left as Telapost here: Telapost’s Reviews. One we recently left for a business in Pittsboro North Carolina included this HDR pic:

business review pic


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