Today I spent a little bit of time poking around in Bing’s local results. I rarely visit Bing although I do drop by from time to time to stay on top of how they are ranking what and to check in on their local results.

Looking at the local results in Bing in August 2017 kind of feels like going back in time. The Local side of things appears left behind. The entire above-the-fold section of the front page is all ads. The sidebar is all ads. When you finally scroll down to Bing’s Local results, you’re usually greeted with spam. Some listings are even still displaying reviews from Foursquare.

Here is a screenshot of the current local results for Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyer:

Scroll down past the local results and you’ll see exact match domains (EMDs) and a couple of random directories (FindLaw and

There are only 6 organic results, then you get 3 more ads.

Did Bing give up on Local?

In total, on the front page there are 12 paid ads, 5 spammy looking local results, and 6 organic results, none of which rank based on any good algorithm, in my opinion.

It’s almost like Bing just completely gave up on their local results and said “Srew it!”.

I should probably note here that I haven’t closely examined the local results, but it is highly likely that none of these law firms are named “Philadelphia car accident lawyer”, rather something like “Law Offices of John Doe”.

Are your Bing Local results filled with spam?

I looked at personal injury lawyer keywords, locksmiths and a few other terms. A couple were “ok”, but for the most part, Bing looks very easy to game and spam late in 2017.

Have you seen Bing Local spam in your niche/city? If so, please leave a comment below and tell the world about it.


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