In June 2020, Google rolled out new review attributes for attorneys. When clients leave a law firm a review, in addition to leaving a 1-5 star review, they may now also select attributes such as Good Quality, Good Value, Professional or Responsive.

The feature has been available for some time for other industries and is new to lawyers.

Here’s a screenshot of what the feature looks like when a client goes to leave a law firm a review:

How will this help my Internet presence?

How this impacts law firms remains to be seen. However, the feature has been available for a while in some niches, such as HVAC repair. In those niches, reviews do display the new attributes in people’s profiles like this:

I personally just left a law firm a review. At the time of this article, the attributes are not yet displaying on their profile, however, this is likely just due to the feature being new or delays at Google My Business stemming from COVID-19. When the attributes DO begin displaying, potential clients browsing reviews will see the attributes and be reassured. This could also help when someone simply leaves a star rating and no text review.


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