Thursday, August 13, 2015 I noticed only what I could call “bundled” search results. The results were seen on desktop on Chrome in incognito.

The results which were bundled were YouTube videos. The YouTube videos displayed directly above other page’s search results.

bundled search results

Here’s a screenshot of the bundled search results


  • The page, which would normally feature images at the top and 9 search results, bundled 3 of the videos. Instead of there being 9 results on the page there were 5. Are they making room for something new?
  • The bundled results consistently displayed, but the only results which were bundled were YouTube results.

After the test:

After this test or glitch or whatever was over, the search engine results page returned to normal:

after bundled search results

The search results returned to normal results in this screenshot.

Is Google making room for something new?

If you have seen this please feel free to comment below.


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