Funny Snapchat Accounts

If you are looking for entertaining, amusing, funny Snapchat accounts to follow I’ve got you covered. Here’s a list which includes Snapcodes when possible.


Michael Platco is a Snapchat influencer, consultant, and artist. He draws funny snaps very often. His Snapchat username is mplatco. Here is Michael’s Snapcode and some snaps he gave me permission to use. I do believe that they speak for themselves. Following him on Snapchat is almost like getting a good channel on cable.



mplatco snapcode

mplatco snapcode


Shaun McBride is another Snapchat celebrity that loves snapper. His website says he likes making snapchats because it’s fun. And, his snapchats are fun. From funny wiener dog pics to interactive, engaging social experiences, Shaun has them on his Snapchat account shonduras. Here’s a few of his snaps and his snapcode. This guy is huge, how many followers does he have? 1 million? 50 million? I don’t know.


shonduras snapcode

shonduras snapcode



Brittany Furlan is Vine famous and hilarious. This is a Snapchat celebrity to follow for sure. Here’s one of her recent vines:

Brittany Furlan Snapcode

Brittany Furlan Snapcode


If you don’t know who this guy is you don’t know social media. Just follow him and his adventures around planet Earth. Trust me, you will not be disappointed.

Jerome Jarre Snapcode

Jerome Jarre Snapcode



Ok this one isn’t hilarious but Jesse Wojdylo is basically Snapchat’s reporter. If there is a bug, new feature, or some sort of Snapchat related news he’ll write up the article for it and snap a quick pic of it in case you want to read it. He does post some funny snaps and contests from time to time.

Jesse Wojdylo Snapcode



This is mine. I don’t even belong on this list, but my followers inspire me to post, so feel free to give me a follow. I’m a professional by day and goof by night; I post pics of my adventures around North Carolina, farm animals, and stick figures getting eaten by sharks.

Snapchat Snapcode


Who else should be added to this list? Comment below or email me.


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