In November 2015 Yoast updated their Yoast SEO Plugin. This, by the way, is the greatest WordPress plugin ever made. Ever.

Well today I was putting content up on some sites and went to edit the meta description of one of the posts. I don’t always do this, but that is a story for another day.

I went down to my usual spot where I’m used to seeing this:

yoast screenshot

The old view


At first, I was terrified when I saw this:

yoast seo screenshot

The new view


Then I realized to edit your meta description in Yoast SEO all you need to do is click on it, right beside the “Snippet Editor”. There is no special button; just click the text that looks like a meta description and you will be able to edit it.

Here’s a screenshot where I slapped in a new meta description:

yoast seo screenshot



If you highlight the little question mark thingy you get a link to a huge page on Yoast’s site about the new snippet editor.

This change is good

I’ve got to say, I really like this change. It confused me at first but the new section is wonderful IMO.

What is your favorite WordPress plugin?


1 Comment
  1. Thanks for this! I couldn’t figure out how to change the meta description either!

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