I see it over and over again.

I’m guilty of it myself.

You want your audience to know that you’re an authority – that you have a right to be dishing out advice – why you are the best fit for their needs.

After all, it’s your website. You sat down and wrote this article. A complete stranger is going to be reading it. Shouldn’t you tell them that you are the expert?


Nobody cares.

Provide value!

nobody cares

Example: “Hello, my name is Joe, and I’m the best plumber in…” No! Stop, Joe. Nobody cares. If the articles is titled “Overflowing toilet?” for Pete’s Sake tell the reader some steps to take to stop their toilet from overflowing! There’s sh*t all over their floor, Joe!

Why does nobody care?

If someone found you in search they already trust you (a little). If I told you how many times I’ve heard “I found you on the front page of Google, so, you must be the best” you probably wouldn’t believe me.

If people are satisfied with the answer you provided on your website, they make poke around and look at your credentials or test you out on the phone. The reader will decide if you are a credible source of information or not. At first, what school you went to, what you’ve accomplished, etc, mean very little. In fact, sometimes these things can have a negative affect.

People want something for nothing.

Use this to your advantage.

It’s all always been this way and this is especially true for the next generation of Internet users.

What to do about it.

This is the Internet. If people find you in search, you have already won much of the battle. Here are a few things which help reel customers in:

  • Provide value. As stated above, give away the answer. No teasing. Don’t be vague. Give. Away. The. Answer. Now.
  • Provide clear contact information. You have no idea how many people get to your site and pick up the phone to call in under 10 seconds. A lot. If the person visiting your page has decided they need you they will look for a way to call. For a second or two anyways.
  • Answer the phone. This is a bigger problem than it needs to be.
  • A quick blurb is safe. Some people like theirs at the end of the article. I usually put mine at the beginning, but, it varies from article to article. In the event I put it at the beginning of the article it is very brief an obviously self promotional so people can skim past it if they desire. This depends though; if you have a website which sells widgets and it is called WidgetsForSale.com feel free to skip the self promotion all together; people will get it. I’ll end this article with some self promotion so you can see it in action.

My name is Len and I create content which shows up in search results and converts. If you need this for your business call me today to see what my team and I can do for you.


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