Changes are coming to

I love the SEO world, but it has come to my attention I’ve been spreading myself too thin and spinning my wheels. I must come up with dedicated packages to concentrate on. I’d love to manage PPC campaigns, set people up with great images, write content, promote companies on Google+, but, I really need to concentrate on a few niche “products”.

This website will be reflecting these changes in the very near future.

Businesses need SEO and social media. A lot of them have been burned by SEO companies or are getting screwed by them right now. That salesman hunting you down to make a commission is completely wasting your money. I owned a brick and mortar company for 12yrs and could not afford to waste a penny and I refuse to waste anyone else’s.

I want to flip SEO on it’s head and provide real value. It has been my intention since starting this business and I fully intend on doing so.

Right now almost every business I look at is doing it wrong. Stop!!! Stop posting useless garbage on Facebook and wasting everyone’s time. Stop all the cruddy backlinks. Stop!

More coming soon.

Watch out world.



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