If you need someone who has experience ranking law firms on the Internet and is also familiar with FindLaw content management system look no further. I have worked with very reputable law firms all over the United States and have plenty of references available.

FindLaw SEO Services

I am not sure precisely what “SEO services” FindLaw offers but I have helped attorneys recover from search engine penalties who had FindLaw websites. I’ll just leave it at that.

Many attorneys come to me with very poorly ranking FindLaw websites asking what I can do to help. The answers depends on what kind of situation your FindLaw site is in. Does it have a penalty? Has the site been submitted to several low quality web directories? Dos it have any real links?

FindLaw to WordPress Website Conversion

Most attorneys ending their FindLaw contract are eager to go to WordPress. As someone who works specifically with personal injury lawyers I can tell you that if I were starting a new website it would be WordPress. Heck, I have over 100 sites and all of them are WordPress.

In FindLaw’s defense, years ago WordPress was simply a blogging software. It did take it years to become the most powerful and flexible platform to run a law firm’s site on.

Regardless, if you want a seamless transition from FindLaw to WordPress feel free to contact me as I have handled this before.

What is SEO?

Ask 100 SEO experts and get 100 different answers. Honestly, it changes from niche to niche and city to city. I work specifically with attorneys. Check out my massive page dedicated to personal injury lawyer SEO. In a nutshell, you need great content and links. I have journalists and attorneys on staff to assist me with content development. As for links; I have access to dozens of legal related websites out there and have researched every tactic every attorney has used to rank in the last 15 years. There are many case studies of this on my blog.