If you have one or more locations for your business that need more reviews, here is the solution. I personally owned a small business for 12 years and I wish I had this.

How it works:

A customer is asked to rate their experience on a scale of 1 – 10.

give feedback

If the customer chooses 1 – 7, they are asked how their experience could be made better.

bad feedback

If they rate their experience as 8 – 10, they are then encouraged to leave a positive online review.

good feedback

This video elaborates a bit more:


There is also a WordPress plugin available to display the reviews on your website via widget.

There are 5 different ways you can encourage the initial feedback:

  1. Kiosk mode
  2. Spreadsheet import
  3. Manual input
  4. Feedback URL
  5. Feedback button on website


There are 2 options for our reputation marketing package.

  1. Self Managed (recommended). In this scenario, we configure your account and provide you with a username and password. You can log in any time to add email addresses. Email addresses and client information may be bulk uploaded via CSV format as well. When a new review is left you are made aware of it immediately. This option comes with free setup, email tech support, and is $75 per month.
  2. Telapost Managed. In this scenario, you send us your customer’s names & email addresses and we make sure that emails are sent out to clients properly. We do not follow up with reviews but will forward you any negative reviews that you receive. This option costs significantly more than the self managed package. Pricing in this case is determined by the amount of work involved.

Getting Started

Your dashboard. Your dashboard is accessible via the secure page telapost.reviewability.com.

Review URL. Customers, patients, and clients can get to your reviews via a URL. This will be in your dashboard. This is useful in the event you would like to link to your reviews from your website or place the URL on a business card or post card.

WordPress Plugin. This plugin only works if you have purchased our reputation marketing services. If you have, feel free to download the testimonials plugin. There is an HTML alternative to this; if you need assistance with this feel free to contact us.

Rich snippets. Please have your SEO team implement rich snippets onto your site if you desire. If you need assistance with this please feel free to contact us.